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Monday, May 2, 2011

Why were community group flyers included in report cards?

Question: I was wondering why was permission given to an outside group to put flyers in our childrens report cards. Granted it is a nice thing they do but our own students cannot do that with their fundraisers. Did we pay to make all of those copies being sent out?

Answer: On a daily basis I approve and disapprove flyers requested to be sent home with students. No flyers go home without my prior approval. I have made it a priority of mine to help community organizations communicate with parents in our school. Just to name a few...the scout groups, youth commission groups, little league, and senior groups.

The district does not make the copies unless the organization is willing to pay the set copy fee. The copy fee is 30 cents per page.

I have always felt the school district should work with local groups when at all possible. In my opinion, it goes a long way toward fostering good relationships with our taxpayers.
-answered by Stephen Tomlinson, District Superintendent

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