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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Why was ConnectEd used to notify residents about the Home Show?

Question: Why does the school use the phone system to call people about the home show? This is not something that is a school function. This use is a waste of taxpayer money and time.

Answer: We see the use of the Blackboard Connect as a community service, and a sharing of services with the greater community.

When the Board of Education committed to improving communications with the community, including taxpayers at large, it decided (after researching various methods) that a phone system like the one we have now could be effective. We can send announcements to all community members, not just those have children in the schools or work in the schools.

The phone service has gotten great reviews—taxpayers have called my office to tell me, “This is money well spent!” Twice the call system has been used to locate missing children within minutes.

The Board of Education feels the school should be part of the larger community. Using the phone service to reach out to all community members, especially for events that are happening within our schools like the Home Show, is a way for us to be part of our community as a whole.
-answered by Stephen Tomlinson, District Superintendent

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